Ecology Software by Prof. Dr. Hsin Chi
All software programs are available FREE of charge.
It has been more than four decades since the Tow-Sex Life Table method was introduced by Prof. Dr. Hsin Chi. Since then, he has fully committed to software design and generously makes all programs available for free to users around the world. He has generously presented his software to all entomologists and ecologists across the globe. He has also traveled to different countries to hold workshops on life table studies.
However, to protect my intellectual property and to observe academic ethics, all programs can only be used after agreeing to the conditions contained in the “Software License Agreement”. If you agree with the Software License Agreement, you can try the programs using the password “test”. If you don’t agree with the Software License Agreement, the Programs should not be used and should be deleted from your computer or diskette. Please download the Software License Agreement and read it carefully before using it.
Please read the following review article to familiarize yourself with a basic knowledge of the age-stage, two-sex life table. If you use TWOSEX, CONSUME or TIMING in your research, I encourage you to cite this review in the Introduction and Discussion sections.
Chi, H., M. S. You, R. Atlıhan, C. L. Smith, A. Kavousi, M. S. Özgökçe, A. Güncan, S. J. Tuan, J. W. Fu, Y. Y. Xu, F. Q. Zheng, B. H. Ye, D. Chu, Y. Yu, G. Gharekhani, P. Saska, T. Gotoh, M. I. Schneider, P. Bussaman, A. Gökçe, T. X. Liu. 2020. Age-Stage, Two-Sex Life Table: An Introduction to Theory, Data Analysis, and Application. Entomologia Generalis 40(2): 103-124. DOI: 10.1127/ entomologia /2020/0936.